Sunday, October 19, 2008

Threesome, the new marriage?

I recently watched vickycristinabarcelona, and Woody Allen (producer-cum-director) did not disappoint.


Check out the trailer.

In short, the story starts off with 2 best friends (one would stereotype a smart brunette and a dumb blonde), Vicky (Rebecca Hall) and Cristina (Scarlett Johansson) vacationing in barcelona: Vicky to complete her masters, Cristina... well, because she was bored. It was at an art gallery where they met an artist, Juan Antonio (Javier Bardem), who charmed them with his paintings, philosophy and wine. He managed to develop relationships with both women, although he still harboured a passion for his ex-wife Maria Elena (Penelope Cruz).

I like to invite you both to spend the weekend.
We'll eat well, we'll drink good wine,
we'll make love...
Juan Antonio

Unfortunately, Juan Antonio did not have his way, although he did had both women... only at different occasions!

Here was where the twist came in.

Cristina, now living with Juan Antonio, had approved of Maria Elena staying together with them. During the days together Maria Elena stopped bickering with Juan Antonio and they resumed their sexual relationship, with the blessing of Cristina. She too, found her lesbian tendencies with Maria Elena while maintaining her relationship with Juan Antonio!

You're the missing ingredient,
like of this warm feeling
when I hear you both (Cristina and Juan Antonio)
love and passion (sic) every night.
" - Maria Elena

Now, I feel that Woody Allen was asking:

"Is there a missing link to a relationship?"

"What do you think of three, instead of two?"

If Woody's theory was right, then all the relational theories, of Knapp's, Duck's, as well as Messick's and Cook's would be thrown apart. Never has relationship been redefined this way. Conventionally, we have been brought up on duality. That is, it is normal to have 2 arms, 2 legs, 2 eyes, 2 breasts, 2 humans co-inhibiting with each other, 2 (man and woman) to reproduce. And of course, marriage. Of 2 persons. Monogamy.

That said, certain cultures (though rare) practice polygamy (or rather polygyny). And statistics have proven that those involved in polygamy did not show signs of dissatisfaction or feuds. In fact, they (pro-polygamy) say that the communication has improved.

Is that so?

They say "three's a crowd". Under Singapore law, it is illegal to have 2 or more spouses at the same time. But with rising divorce rates, mostly due to "irreconcilable differences" (yea we know that), is polygamy the solution? Will such a radical idea improve the relationship, in the forms of proximity, exchange, and especially competency?

On the other hand, I know of detractors that say: "hey, that is not what Woody meant."
And I am prepared.

Is a child (having one), the missing link to mis-communicating relationships then?

And since we did culture recently, will most cultures accept and preach polygamy to the masses, assuming the benefits for society?

Monday, October 13, 2008

We're Going To Candy Mountain...

"Babe" is the word today for this blog.

Check out this video first.

Imagine the world without babies (yes what were you thinking???).

As of now, the video (check url) registered more than 55,000,000 hits. So what is it that keeps people watching, and watching?


Catch the next one.


"Charlie Bit my Finger" was such a massive success on, that it spawned off 'lame' videos like the one above and "Charlie bit my finger... 50 years later." Was the video famous due to the proximity of the brothers' intepersonal relationship? Or was it due to sheer luck, pure innocence, and/or timing of Charlie's laughter?

If you guys think that the video is a one-off, that those cute little babes are nothing but noise pollution, that their innocence (being 'cutesy', making rubber faces) are but temporary,


Fact #1: Babies can dance (eh, respond well)
-The very fact that the baby danced shows how responsive our brain can be, even at a very young age. Statistics point out to kids having good and early training will eventually become what we know as prodigies or geniuses. Practice makes perfect.... SENSE.

Fact #2: Babies can sing (communicate rhythmically)
-Not everyone can sing. It takes some processing to form an idea, then to words (encoding). But this girl definitely puts a shame to the guys out there who cannot even talk to the girl they fancy. Getai anyone?

Fact #3: Babies are fearless
-There are some guys who cannot really imagine a girl swearing (me included). Uncouth, foul-mouthed are some words we usually reserve for men. But the girls of today scream EQUALITY back at the guys...
Well... All I can say is that babies learn most from their mothers. (get the hint girls?)
Television comes a close second...

Fact #5: Babies are blunt (communication without "feedback")
-"I love you, but you have to give me cookies for (saying) that." Enough said.

Fact #6: Babies can really, really laugh
-They say laughter is the best medicine. Infectious too. How rightly so. And all these follow through with 66,000,000 (youtube hits) bouts of laughter. Really.

A side question: Do babies/kids make communication within the family better?

Finally, a kid so talented, I feel sqeamish thinking about it.

(PS: if you have time for my blog, surely you have time for Charlie the unicorn?)

Till my next blog.... Ciao

Sunday, October 5, 2008

You've Been Mugged!

O hello fellow retards!

Before you proceed, do read the disclaimer.

Disclaimer: The following pictures have been permitted for this blog's use. Any resemblence to anyone, or anybody (well both are the same) in the pictures are unintentional, and I express my (if any) apologies for any inconvenince caused.

With that out of the way, let me guide you into this entry. As you can see, the pictures below are what most of us call "mugshots".

WWII survivors

Everyone has their bad days; bad hair days, bad luck, their World War II days, whatever. But as they say a picture is worth a thousand words. Faces tell us a story. How is this person feeling today, or why does he have a constipated look.

TWINS, no?


Why only "mugshots", you say.

hello please wake up can

Well these "mugshots" are taken at the most impromptu, most candid manner. We all dread taking IC photos, and these people in the photos are no different. How many times do we have friends requesting for old school photos, identity cards, driving licenses..... YES! it's the faces that we're looking for, and the non-verbal communication (or most would say physical expression) part that these faces evoke.

The Flinstones

It is through such pictures that we can haunt our friends for years to come. Or be haunted.... Eeks.

A case of square pegs, round holes?

In short, "mugshots" are the butt of all jokes.

By the way, to stave off your curiousity, these pictures are of undergraduates of the last 5 years.

I know that some of you may say that making fun of people's pictures isn't a very nice thing, and I'll get my karma and so on. I already have. So to be fair I'll show you all my mugshot.

Just be a WEE BIT more patient!

To end this entry off, let me present the runner up (i'm sorry 'voting' has ended):



The Champion

Let me reiterate that this entry is just for laughs, and once in a while we do indulge in a bit of banter and jabbing of our friends' photos.

If you guys have any photos to share please do! And tell me your past experiences about the jokes you suffered from your "mugshots"

Till then,