Sunday, September 14, 2008

Money, My Buddy

Whenever Money talks, I listen. Here are some excerpts from IM (instant messenging)

(posted 8.01pm, tue)
Money (online)

Me : Hey u online? =)

Money :
Of course pal! wheneva u need me, i'm always here!

Me : ........

Me : yea. more lyk wheneva i need u, ur missing, lyk big time...

Money :
no no my fren, u ain't gettin the picture.
Money : i'm always here.

Money :
you jus gotta find me... u noe... lyk catch me if you can?

Money :
Money : YOU....
Money : CAN....
Money : lol
Money : so... wassup????

Me : i'm wondering if liz's free tonight
Me : wanna watch the latest epic by Jack Neo, MONEY NO ENOUGH 3.

Money : with her
Money : u pay?

Me : er.... lyk NO???

Money :
what a cheapskate..

Money :
need a loan?

Me : tok to u later brb

(posted 8.01pm, tue)
Money may not reply because he/she is Out to Lunch

Me : how's lunch....
Me : at 8PM
Me : lol

Money :
Money : and so was dinner

Money :
roasted pork knuckle wit sour cream, double-tripled-layered lasagna, foie gras sushi rolls, topped off wit truffles and prunes...

Me : i'm lyk eating a peanut butter sandwich NOW...

Money :

Me : i'm broke ok..?

Money :
Money : aniwaes...
Money : u need to splash e cash, n then u can impress....

Me : well...
Me : sigh
Me : i cld do wit a small loan

(posted 2.25am, mon)
Money may not reply because he/she is set to Away

Me : hey thks for e cash
Me : liz said e movie's great
Me : b better if i had some money to spare
Me : e date wld b better wit flowers
Me : u there Money?

(posted 2.41am, mon)
Money may not reply because he/she is set to Away

Me : Hello?
Me : Me gives Money a Nudge
Me : i tink i need more $$$
Me : hehe..
Me : here money money money.....
Me : ?

(posted 10.52am, mon)
Money (Online)

Me : yo u caught last night's match?
Me : i got sooooooo burned....

Money :
yea. The Clash of the Cash!

Money :
how cld i miss?

Money :
not to mention e winnings i've made..

Money :

Me : shd hav listened to ya....
Me : e real cash's still wit e london side...

Money :
of course!
Money : i'm always right.
Money : wit me ard, ur always a winner.

Money :
u'll b able to buy ur Guccis, u can impress ur girl, not to mention more sandwiches...

Money :

Me : no
Me : Money's isn't everythg...

Money :
liz is happy isn't she...?

Me : well...

Money :
i've won, n u lost right?

Me : ........
Me : i guess...

Money :
jus listen to me, n everthg will b fine.

Money :
trust me. =)

Now, now. Everyone would wish for a money tree. To help the poor, to buy our latest ipod, to watch the Singapore F1, etc. And we still want more. In light of recent events, from the recent screening of Money No Enough 2 to highlight our dependency of money, to the lastest "clash of the cash" between Russian-bankrolled Chelsea and new cash-cow Manchester City, backed by the Abu Dhabi Group of Dubai.

No it's not about which oil is more oily (Russian oil or Dubai's?), or which Money NO Enough is cheaper (cost production), the REAL question is: "Are you an agent of money?" Do we need money to 'walk the talk'?

Share your perception on money with me, and may the cashflow be with you.



Anonymous said...

My perception of money yea?

Hmm.. I would say it's a necessity. Money makes the world goes round, isn't it?

But as perception is mainly subjective, especially in our interpretation stage, I would say that money means different things to people in different environment and culture. Wealthy people take money for granted, poor people view money as rewards.

SO ya. HUAT ah~!!! hahahas... =X

Fiona Neo said...

Wow. I really like the conversation between "me" and "money". It has made me see "money" in a whole new perspective. It is true how money is such a necessity that everything we face in life is like a conversation with it. Without money, as it seems, is hopeless- spouses get angry etc.

With the new technology created like the iphone and expensive past-times like watching F1, it is no wonder why we just chase after the money. Cos, it basically satisfies! Doesn't it?

I have friends with parents that don't earn much, but yet they indulge in expensive cosmetic products like "L'occitane" etc. incessantly. People eat with money, live with money, get happy with money, quarrel over money etc.

Oh well, it just seems like in everyone's perspective, money is everything.

charisays... (: said...

well, like thay say 'money talks' yeah?

Personally, I feel that in today's day and age where everything and everyone is so money minded, its hard to ignore the fact that money yields power! Sadly, this power is often abused and we succumb to the very many pleasures money brings.

Hence, its understandable why people steal/beg/rob/ embezzle money as money as like the Bible says the root of all evil! However , it should not be acceptable! WE must learn to change the perception that money can buy happiness beacause it can't- unless your form of happiness is the shallow Prada , Gucci , Louis Vuitton kind . (:

Josh K said...

hey buddy,

i'd like to think that money is terribly important, but it isn't even close to being THE most important thing in this world.

in my personal opinion, family, friends, your own health, etc are all gifts we take for granted, and that's why we place so much emphasis on acquiring material wealth- sure, money can buy happiness, but only to a certain extent. you need the gifts i mentioned above as well, to be truly happy like a mr smiley (hey that rhymes).

it's only after we grow up/lose the most important things, that we finally realize that life isn't really all about the rat race.

"don't it always seem to go, that you don't know what you've got till it's gone..." - big yellow taxi by counting crows and v carlton

SHUFEN said...

it's LOVE that makes the world go round!!! hahaha. regardless of how impractical that may sound. money is definitely essential for our survival BUT hey money cant buy love, right? well at least in my opinion it definitely cant.

i say love fills your soul, and money errr.. fills just your pocket.

Fern Ru said...

Money is the root to all evil. Many turn to steal and rob for money. It is one of the cause for crimes?
I agree with Gladys that money makes the world go round...
Many use money to buy degrees, enter top schools and also to win competitions (by getting sponsors to support etc)as I have heard of cases where parents 'bribe' school principals to allow their child to be admitted into top schools
Guess money is everything...